Pagination Now Available on the Wishlist Page

We’re excited to announce the availability of pagination on the Wishlist page rendered by our Smart Wishlist app. This update brings smoother navigation and improved performance, especially for customers with extensive wishlists. But before we dive into the benefits, here’s a little background on why we made this change.

Why Pagination was Necessary?

Recently, Shopify implemented changes to their API, mandatorily transitioning apps from the REST API to the GraphQL API. This is a significant shift towards a more modern and efficient system, but it also means that apps like ours need to adapt. One key aspect of these changes was the way API rate limits were calculated. The end result was a reduced number of API calls our app could make per second on behalf of a store.

To ensure a consistently smooth and reliable experience for all users, and to avoid unexpected behavior or API timeouts, we initially limited the default number of items displayed on the Wishlist page to a maximum of 50. This was a temporary measure to prevent any disruptions while we implemented a more robust, long-term solution: pagination.

Pagination is a common web design technique that divides a large list of items (in this case, wishlist items) into smaller, more manageable pages. Instead of loading all items at once, the page displays a set number of items, with “Next” and “Previous” links to navigate between pages. This greatly improves loading times and reduces the strain on API calls.

How to Enable Pagination in Smart Wishlist?

Enabling pagination is quick and easy, giving you full control over your wishlist’s display. Here’s how:

  1. Navigate to your Shopify Admin: Log in to your Shopify store’s admin panel.
  2. Go to the Apps section: Click on “Apps” in the left-hand sidebar.
  3. Open Smart Wishlist: Find “Smart Wishlist” in your list of installed apps and click on it.
  4. Access Configuration: Click on “Configure Appearance” and then select the “Wishlist Page” tab.
  5. Enable Pagination: Scroll down to the “Pagination” section. Select the option “Enable Pagination on the Wishlist page.”
  6. Save Changes: Click the “Save” button to apply your changes.

That’s it! Your Wishlist page will now be paginated.

Important Notes:

  • The “Next” and “Previous” pagination links will only appear if a customer’s wishlist contains more than 51 items. This ensures a clean interface when pagination is not needed.
  • If you choose not to enable pagination, the Wishlist page will continue to display the 51 most recently added items. This provides a fallback for those who prefer the original behavior.
  • This change is applicable only to the default Wishlist page rendered by the app (located on the path /a/wishlist). For custom wishlist pages and other implementations, which display products using our Public API, the pagination was already in place since long.

We understand that changes can sometimes be confusing. We’ve designed pagination to be as user-friendly as possible, but if you encounter any issues after enabling this feature, please immediately disable it and contact our support team. We’re always here to assist you.

This pagination feature is just one step in our ongoing commitment to providing the best possible Wishlist experience for your Shopify store. We’re constantly working to improve Smart Wishlist, adapting to platform changes, and incorporating user feedback. Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements!

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