How to display the Wishlist contents on any page of the store?

Many store owners want to display the contents of Wishlist on selected pages of the store. In particular, we have received requests to display the wishlist contents at the following locations:

  • Account Page
  • Sidebar
  • Custom Popup
  • Footer

With the Smart Wishlist Public API, it has become possible to display the wishlist contents anywhere on the entire store. In this article, we shall explain how to do this. It assumes that the path to wishlist page is default /a/wishlist. If it has been changed, you need to replace it with the updated path.


1: Create an empty HTML container. Assign it a unique id wishlisthtml

<div id="wishlisthtml"> <p>Loading Wishlist...... </p></div>

2. In the Liquid, check if the user is logged in. If not, we shall display Express Wishlist, otherwise the User Account Wishlist shall be displayed.

3. Depending on the #2, make a AJAX request to the /a/wishlist endpoint using Smart Wishlist Public API.

//For non logged in users (Express Wishlist)
function getExpressWishlistId(){for(var i=decodeURIComponent(document.cookie).split(";"),t=0;t<i.length;t++){for(var n=i[t];" "==n.charAt(0);)n=n.substring(1);if(0==n.indexOf("wishlist_id="))return n.substring("wishlist_id=".length,n.length)}}


//For logged in users (Account Wishlist)

4. Display the data received, in the HTML container created in Step 1. Apply your own formatting.

// variable 'gridhtml' contains the HTML elements created using the data fetched from API

For the starters, we have created a readymade code (based on Supply theme) which can be embedded in any layouts/snippets/templates/sections of the theme to display the contents of wishlist. It may not work if you place it in any assets of the theme.

<!-- This is where the wishlist contents shall be displayed. The purpose of Javascript is to fetch the wishlist data using API and render them here in HTML format  -->

<div id="wishlisthtml"> <p>Loading Wishlist...... </p></div>

// this function fetches Express wishlist ID from browser cookies. This is useful for wishlists of unregistered users.

{% unless customer %}
function getWishlistId(){for(var i=decodeURIComponent(document.cookie).split(";"),t=0;t<i.length;t++){for(var n=i[t];" "==n.charAt(0);)n=n.substring(1);if(0==n.indexOf("wishlist_id="))return n.substring("wishlist_id=".length,n.length)}}
{% endunless %}
$(function() {
app_proxy_path="/a/wishlist";	//if this has been changed in settings, change it here too.
{% if customer %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
	url: query_url,
	dataType: "json",
	success: function(data) {
		//Javascript variables initialized. These are used to populate the HTML Grid	
		var product_url="/products/"+value.handle;
		var product_title=value.title;
		var product_image=value.image;				
		var variant_title=value.variant_title;
		var variant_price=value.variant_price;
		/* The following HTML code has been adapted for "Supply" theme. All HTML customizations should be done here itself. The below code represents one item in the grid. On themes other than "Supply", it should be replaced by the corresponding HTML for one itme in the grid/list displayed on collection pages. However, the names of Javascript variables (product_url,product_image,product_title,variant_price) must not be altered. */
		 gridhtml+='<div class="grid-item small--one-half medium--one-quarter large--one-quarter"> <a href="'+product_url+'" class="product-grid-item"> <div class="product-grid-image" style="height: 312px;"> <div class="product-grid-image--centered"> <img src="'+product_image+'"> </div></div><p>'+product_title+'</p><div class="product-item--price"> <span class="h1 medium--left"> <small>'+variant_price+'</small></span> </div></a></div>';


Display Wishlist on My Account page

The following code has been adapted for displaying the wishlist on My Account page of your store.

In this setup, we shall display wishlist on account page. For better UX, the wishlist will be hidden by default. Once a link is clicked, the wishlist shall be displayed -->

<!-- Place this HTML where you want to display wishlist items-->
<div id="sw-custom-html"></div>
<!--  End HTML -->

<!-- Add this link used to view Wishlist -->

<a href="#" id="viewwishlistbutton">View Wishlist</a>

<!-- Javascript begin -->
<script type="text/javascript">

var WishlistScripts=function(){
var gridhtml='<div class="sw-custom-grid-container">';
var sw_item_count=0;  
	url: query_url,
	dataType: "json",
	success: function(data) {
		//Javascript variables initialized. These are used to populate the HTML Grid	
		var product_url="/products/"+value.handle;
		var product_title=value.title;
		var product_image=value.image;				
		var variant_title=value.variant_title;
		var variant_price=value.variant_price;
		gridhtml+='<div class="sw-custom-grid-item">\
	<a href="'+product_url+'" class="sw-custom-grid-item-product">\
		<div class="sw-custom-grid-item-product-image">\
				<img src="'+product_image+'"> </div>\
				<div class="sw-custom-grid-item-product-price"><span class="sw-custom-grid-currency">''</span>&nbsp;'+variant_price+'</div>\

// Make the link clickable
jQuery(".account-order-history .account-page-subtitle").html("My Wishlist");
if(sw_item_count==0) jQuery(".empty").html("There are no items in the Wishlist"); else jQuery(".empty").hide();

if("undefined"==typeof jQuery)
	console.log("jquery not defined, loading it");
	var script=document.createElement("script");
else WishlistScripts();

<!-- End Javascript -->
<!-- CSS styles -->
.sw-custom-grid-container {
  display: grid;  
@media (min-width: 600px) {
.sw-custom-grid-container  { grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr); }

@media (min-width: 900px) {
.sw-custom-grid-container  { grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr); }

.sw-custom-grid-item {
  padding: 20px;
  text-align: center;
.sw-custom-grid-item-product-image img {
    width: 100%;


You can also provide Add to Cart and Remove from Wishlist buttons to each items in the wishlist displayed here. This article explains the how-to in detail.


If you get the error, customerid not defined, add the following code to the above script,

var SWGetCustomerWishlistId=function()
	if((typeof __st)!=="undefined")
	if(customer_id==undefined) customer_id=__st.cid;
	if(customer_id==undefined) customer_id=0;
	return customer_id;

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