To exclude Wishlist button on specific products belonging to certain collection, please use the below construct at appropriate location in your theme
Individual Product page
{% unless product.collections contains 'collection-handle' %} //code snippet of smart wishlist <div id="smartwishlist" data-product="{{ }}" data-variant="{{ }}"></div> {% endunless %}
Collection/Category Page
{% unless collection.handle contains 'collection-handle' %} //code snippet of smart wishlist <span class="smartwishlist" data-product="{{ }}" data-variant="{{ }}"></span> {% endunless %}
If you want to exclude the button from products belonging to multiple collections, you can use and operator
{% unless product.collections contains 'collection-handle' and product.collections contains 'collection-handle2' %} //Smart Wishlist Snippet for single product page {% endunless %}
{% unless collection.handle contains 'collection-handle' and collection.handle contains 'collection-handle2' %} //Smart Wishlist Snippet for Collection pages {% endunless %}